Thursday, September 07, 2006

I am so sorry...

I've had some technical difficulties over the last couple months...I forgot my "blogger" login information...What a powerless situation just being able to read and never write...I think there is a lesson to be learned there...I still don't know how to post pics or hotlinks...anyhow...

I LOVE FALL!!! By far my most favorite season...The sound of dry leaves crackling beneath your feet as you walk down the sidewalk...The smell of grilling burgers, brats, and hotdogs...The sights of FOOTBALL!!...And so much more! I refuse to let my current occupation continue to take those joys away from me...I'm taking back God's blessings of Fall! Thank you God for the different seasons...Both of this earth and of our lives!


Gretchen said...


I love fall, too! Every year it is the same, though! I resist the ending of summer, even though I know when it comes in all of it's splendor, I will embrace autumn fully! There is no other season that is so easy to EXPERIENCE -- sensation overload -- smells, sights, sounds, feelings.

Plus, there is the World Series. . .

Sarah said...

I was never fully introduced to "fall" until I came to Wisconsin. As heavenly as Oregon is, there is not much change between seasons. So I have claimed the fall season as one of the few reasons why I enjoy the Midwest. (No offense to you Midwesterners....I just hold true to the gorgeous West.) I adore the sight of leaves changing, digging out my sweaters, and wanting to drink hot coffee again. :-)
Jason, I may need to take a brush-up class on my sarcasm. I have been out of practice, not living close enough to friends to keep it fresh. Thanks for the tip....