Thursday, September 28, 2006

Check post below as well / first picture post?


Gretchen said...

What is this of? A Smoothie convention? Makes me think of the Office last night -- do you watch that show ever?

Sarah said...

Gretchen, Josh adores that show. I have to be in the right mood for it. He just dies laughing though.
Jason, is that "Mr. Smoothie"? And what of that Janet Jackson video--was that for real?!

Hayden405 said...

This is a picture of me with the man how invented smoothies back in 1968...also, he is the owner of Smoothie King Franchises Inc. I had my picture taken with him while down in Dallas, TX. Our store invented a new smoothie flavor and I got to present it at the Smoothie King conference. We won the vote and now SK is rolling out our smoothie nation wide 3rd Q 07.

That Janet thing IS for real...It was on Oprah a week or so ago!! When Janet Jackson gose to Smoothie King she gets either the Pineapple Surf or the Strawberry Kiwi Breeze!

Hayden405 said...

The Office...I have seen it before but "we're not that close" When and where is it on?

Gretchen said...

Thursday night, 7:30. I'm not sure which channel. We don't get it. We have to go to my parent's house to watch it (but we don't get any channels). I just love the understated humor. And until just recently it was always clean.

Sarah said...

Jason, that is awesome about your smoothie flavor!!! You are a visionary. :-) What is the flavor by the way--or is it top secret? I will have to come down and try it.

Anonymous said...

Jason - congrats on the first picture...I have to say I'm glad to see your shoulder straps is free of any seat belt cushions...Sarah, have to ask...