Sunday, September 24, 2006

Duck, Dodge, and Dive

I saw gas today for $2.01! Man...They're giving it away...I don't see how they can stay in business...NOT!!! It's still high and they're still making a killing!! There now that I got that off my chest...

I was in a great wedding this weekend...I was the best man even...It was a great wedding for sure but it had nothing to do with me...It was all God! To see a wedding / marriage centered on God and having a relationship following the parameters set by God, in the bible, is a beautiful thing. Needless to say it was a heart warming experience and I hope and pray that I may glorify God in such a way thru a marriage He gives to me.

Football game line update...Unfortunately we didn't have the same problem this weekend...Nonetheless, God is control that that even...I am asking that business will increase for the remaining 3 games...10.21 / 10.28 / and 11.18. Thank you for your prayers as well.

Off to mow my grass and dodge raindrops...


Gretchen said...

It's great to witness a wedding where God is present and activly in charge! I have been to too many where it is all about glorifying self and giving the bride the "Barbie dream wedding" she always wanted. That is so not the purpose of marriage!

Your gas is $2.01?? I thought ours was low, and it is $2.14! Well, I am just thankful for the major drop!! I think I will faint if I pay less than $2!

Sarah said...

Unfortunately our gas is still over $2.30--I guess we will have to drive to IN to fill up. :-)
Jason, I never commented on your post about your smoothie line being too long.....that is awesome that you guys are doing so well! I will pray your business will be up the rest of the season. Do you only do football games?