Monday, February 27, 2006


Word to the wise...

So I was in my office today and thought to myself...Self, I should use some Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer on my hands...and since I have a tiny bottle up on a shelf in my office I did just that. The instructions on the side of the bottle say to put a "thumbnail size drop" as serving size...I thought that may be a little excessive (have you seen my thumbnail?). So needless to say, I put less than that on and started rubbing my hands together briskly as instructed. AND THAT IS WHEN IT HIT ME! OUCH! The fact that I had paper-cut myself just a few hours prior opening mail. WOW! Word to the Wise...DON'T USE hand sanitizer with any open wounds on you hands - It REALLY burns!! Deep thoughts by Smoothie King.

1 comment:

Beth said...

no kidding-that is the worst! now your open wound is really clean! :) I hope you're having a great week! See you in FOUR DAYS!!