Thursday, November 16, 2006

Post to move on...

Thank you all so much for your sympathy regarding my previous injury! Your thoughts and prayers were very encouraging during that time. I'm good now! ;-P

Like you all as well, I've been crazy busy these past few weeks...I have been helping my brother move...and this wasn't a little move with a few pick-up trucks, this was a whole house move and included a six-car garage full of stuff. Then I moved...this was a lot smaller move...the few pick-up trucks kind of I'm all settled into my new place...the only thing left to do really is to find out how we can get high-speed Internet...(easier said than down) we're kind of in the country now...

I also picked up a part-time job...That's right, I'm a UPS man now...well not a UPS man that comes to your door but I will be getting a paycheck from them as I work part-time in the AM loading and unloading between 800 and 7500 boxes (depending on what job they put me on) M - F... It's funny to see what people ship and how they package it...I've only been actually working on the floor two days and me...I'll never package or ship a box the same way again...I'm much wiser now and know what a package goes through...It's amazing...I'll have to blog sometime about the crazy objects I've seen go by on the line...

Life is good though...I'm the kind of guy that...the more I have to do the better I do things...I'm better at time management and stay on task more...does that make sense? Hope to hear from or see you soon! I've got a huge "party" basement now so come on over anytime ;-P you just have leave by 7:30 PM if it's a week night...I have to be at UPS in the morning about 4:15 AM. HaHaHa!


Gretchen said...

Good to have you back in the blogging world!

UPS is good for building muscle, huh?

Hayden405 said...

we'll see about the building muscles part...I'll have to post some before and after pics. Just kidding :-)

Sarah said...

Jason, I am totally that way too. If I am really busy, it keeps me on my toes.
Don't kill yourself with all of this working! I told Josh I was going to get a Christmas job at UPS for extra money, but he reminded me that I have to get help to open new jars....sigh....I guess I will have to stick with daycare. Have fun!