Thursday, July 20, 2006

How Old Are You?

Seems to be the time of year to start blogging again. I have learned over the past few weeks / months that is not as "cool" to blog as it is to facebook or myspace. I'm over 30...If you need me I'll be here.


Gretchen said...

Smoothie king,
I have been eagerly awaiting your next post, because I didn't know you when you published your last. But now we have met, and I feel free to comment.

Yes, I have also heard that insight. However, in the past few weeks, I have succumbed (Spell?) and created a My Space, too. But that is only because my siblings, in laws, cousins, entire youth group, and spouse have them. So now so do I, but I am not dedicated.

Hang in there.

Gretchen said...

P.S. I am 27

Sarah said...

Jason, hold true....I have not succumbed to other blogging sources either. I like the old-fashioned feel of blogspot and its diary-like entries. :-)

Sarah said...

By the way, I am slightly offended that you did not respond to my sarcastic comments on your last post.....I will be waiting.

Gretchen said...

By the way, I am also waiting. . . waiting for the "it was nice to meet you too" comment on my blog.

You wrote this post so long ago, I am now 28. Deliver me and write a new post already!