Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What would this look like?

"People aren't confused by the gospel, they're confused by us.
Jesus is the only way to God but we are not the only way to Jesus.
This world doesn't need my tie, my hoodie, my denomination, or my translation of the bible, they just need Jesus.
We can be passionate about what we believe but we can't strap ourselves to the gospel cause we're slowing it down.
Jesus is going to save the world, but maybe, the best thing we can do is just get out of the way." - Casting Crowns

From track 1 of their new album this caught my attention. I've been trying to wrap my pea brain around it for a few weeks, trying to figure out what this would look like in my life - Getting out of the way of the gospel.

Revelation 22; 18 - 19 comes to mind; ...if anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Your thoughts?


The Rock Star said...

I, too, have the Casting Crowns CD. The first time I heard this part I just stopped and thought. I am still thinking about it, like you, weeks later. I think it comes down to: "It's all about Jesus!" If people could only meet Jesus, I think they would fall deeply in love with him. It is the "Christians" of the world that get in the way. We are all sinners. Jesus was not. He is white as freshly fallen snow. More glorious than anything imaginable. It really is all about Jesus.

laurie d said...

Hi Jason! I do believe this is my first comment on your blog, but I check in on yours and Jeannie's from time to time! =)

We are in a great time of life to ponder how to "get out of the way" of God doing His work in the lives of others. We are learning that all of this is so much about GOD'S work and so little about ours. When we focus on Him and His greatness, it clears our vision to look at life through His grid. We need to live lives that help others to see past us to HIM and His greatness.

M. Kate said...


JH, you know I love C.C. I was thinking the same thing about that song...what does that practically look like, I wonder...

thanks for helping.

Mel Eik said...

Thanks for posting about that one. I, too, love that song and the amazing (but hard to comprehend) message it has.

Unknown said...

I think the real problem is not so much that we get in the way of the Gospel (I don't think anyone truly can - see Isaiah 55:10-11), but that we don't fully embrace the Gospel and let it transform us.

I don't like the line that says "but we can't strap ourselves to the gospel cause we're slowing it down." I think it's quite the opposite. Rather than fearing that we will somehow sully God's message with our "ties, hoodies, denominations" etc., I think we should ask God to help us be radically conformed to the Gospel -to love our enemies, be gracious to the undeserving, and find our deepest satisfaction in knowing Him. God is glorified not by us running away from the Gospel, but through our struggle to wrap ourselves in it completely.

Just my two cents.

Beth said...

hello Jason! I couldn't find your email address, so this will have to work. Hopefully you check your blog on a regular basis! Would you be willing to help "tear down" after my upcoming wedding? I am having a hard time finding guys to help. I'm not sure if you're even planning on being in town, but it would be great if you could help. My email address is Let me know if you can help!

Dana said...

I'm totally in agreement with Markus. I couldn't have said it better myself.