Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So I was driving down the road a few days ago and, being a retail guy, looking at all the advertisements along the way...watching for new ideas and what the competition may be up to etc. I saw this one and my heart dropped to my stomach and I instantly felt sick. For those that have gone thru the devastation of a divorce...I'm not judging and I understand there are biblical grounds for divorce...Otherwise, if either you were the wrong-er or the one being wronged...hind-sight is 20/20 and I'm sure there are moments in time you wish you could have back and do over again...None of use can go back in time, however, thru the Holy Spirit we can all grow, and make better choices in the future.

This road-side advertisement remains among my least favorite ever...your thoughts?


wendles said...

Hey J,
I've seen that ad around town too and pretty much had the same response. Isn't it a shame that our society has sunk to trying to find the cheapest way possible to get out of (what was designed to be)a lifelong covenant.

MadMup said...

The initial cost of sin is cheap, but the interest payments are something we can never afford.

Only Christ's "Paid In Full" can free us from the debt.

Take it from one who knows.

Hayden405 said...

Thanks for being willing to comment on such a topic...I know it's not easy sometimes. As you can see my next blog is a lot, LOT lighter...