Saturday, March 17, 2007

New Post Coming Soon!

So I turned in the disposable camera today at Sam's will be at least Tuesday evening when I get the return on the pictures. How did I ever survive the old style 35mm system of taking pics. and then actually waiting 2 - 5 days to see my pictures? I still remember though, how excited I was to get my new 126 and then 110 cameras back in elementary school. It's just a matter of short time before film cameras are totally obsolete and put into the category of audio cassettes and 3.5 inch floppy disks...remember the old 5.25 inch floppy disks that were actually "floppy"? Anywho...I hope to have some cool pics to share mid-week of my Florida trip...maybe I can get madmup or meteomatt to help me put one of those cool slide shows together.


MadMup said...

A magician never reveals his tricks.

M. Kate said...

Hurry up all ready!

Mandy said...

Can't wait to see them :)

Gretchen said...

I TOTALLY remember those floppy disks!